קורס אמבדד – RB19-06 מבוא למיקרובקרים – מבוא לתקשורת נתונים 2
התקנה של ארדואינו ו ESP32
1.תרגיל כיתה – עבודה עם הערכה – קלט
שים לב : חיבור לא נכון ישרוף את המעגל
1.1 התקן סביבת עבודה
1.1.1 חבר את הערכה לפי סכמת החיבור הבאה לד מחובר לפין 2 והפעל את התוכנה מהערכה – (חובה נגד תפקידו להגבלת זרם לדיודה – ללא נגד הלד ישרף ! ויהרוס את המיקרומעבד )
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const int ledPin = 2; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED delay(500); // Wait for 500 ms digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off the LED delay(500); // Wait for another 500 ms } |
1.2 .תרגיל כיתה – עבודה עם הערכה – קלט + פלט
שים לב : חיבור לא נכון ישרוף את המעגל
1.2.1 הוסף פוטנציומטר כאשר ערך הפוטנציומטר גדול מ 1000 הדלק לד כאשר קטן שווה ל1000 כבה לד
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const int ledPin = 2; const int potentiometerPin = 32; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(potentiometerPin, INPUT); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin); Serial.print("Potentiometer Value: "); Serial.println(potValue); if (potValue > 1000) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED } else { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off the LED } delay(100); // Delay for stability } |
1.3 הוספת סרבו והתקנת ספרייה לארדואינו
הסרבו והלד מיצגים פתיחה וסגירה של שער
שים לב : חיבור לא נכון ישרוף את המעגל
1.3.1 הוסף סרבו למעגל
1.3.2 הוסף את הספריה לתוכנה בבסביבת ארדואינו
בתוכנת הארדואינו : בחר מנהל הסיפריות
הקלד בתוך :
1 |
<span class="hljs-meta">#<span class="hljs-keyword">include</span> <span class="hljs-string">"ESP32Servo.h"</span></span> |
1.3.3 התאם את התכונה לסכמת המעגל – שים לב חיבור הפינים בסרבו עשוי להיות שונה
שער פתוח
שער סגור :
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#include "ESP32Servo.h" const int ledPin = 2; const int potentiometerPin = 32; const int servoPin = 4; Servo servo; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(potentiometerPin, INPUT); servo.setPeriodHertz(50); servo.attach(servoPin); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin); Serial.print("Potentiometer Value: "); Serial.println(potValue); if (potValue > 1000) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED servo.write(0); // Set servo position to 0 degrees } else { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off the LED servo.write(180); // Set servo position to 180 degrees } delay(100); // Delay for stability } |
- חזרה מחרוזות – , strcpy, strcat ,strlen ,strcmp ,strstr
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// https://www.robotronix.co.il // תרגול מחרוזות לימוד תכנות ורובוטיקה char buf[80]; char source[40]; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("---------------------------------------"); // Example 1: strcpy - Copying a string strcpy(source,"http://www.robotronix.co.il"); strcpy(buf,source); Serial.print("1 - Copied string: "); Serial.println(buf); // Example 2: strcat - Concatenating two strings strcat(buf, "/product-category/רובוטיקה/"); Serial.print("2 - Addition string: "); Serial.println(buf); // Example 3: strlen - Getting the length of a string size_t length = strlen(buf); Serial.print("3- Length of the string: "); Serial.println(length); // Example 4: strstr - Finding a substring if ( strstr(buf, ".co.il") >0 ) { Serial.println("Substring .co.il found "); } else { Serial.println("Substring not found."); } // Example 5: strcmp - Comparing two strings const char* key = "12345"; char userInputKey[20]; strcpy(userInputKey,"24923"); int comparison = strcmp(key, userInputKey); if (comparison ==0) { Serial.println("key o.k"); } else { Serial.println("worng passord "); } } void loop() { // Do nothing } |
1.1 שימוש ב STRING 3
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// http://www.robotronix.co.il לימוד ארדואינו מחרוזות void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Convert char array to String char buf[100]; strcpy(buf,"Hello, Robotronix.co.il"); //convert from buf array to string String str = String(buf); // Convert String to char array char buf2[100]; str.toCharArray(buf2, sizeof(buf2)); // Compare two strings String str1 = "12232"; String str2 = "12334"; int result = str1.compareTo(str2); if (result == 0) { Serial.println("Strings are equal"); } else if (result < 0) { Serial.println("String 1 is smaller"); } else { Serial.println("String 2 is smaller"); } // Copy one string to another String source = "Copy this"; String destination = source; // Search for a string in another string String sentence = "http://www.robotronix.co.il is good place to learn robotics"; if (sentence.indexOf("learn") != -1) { Serial.println("Found 'learn' in the sentence"); } else { Serial.println("Could not find 'learn' in the sentence"); } // Add one string to another String string1 = "http://"; String string2 = "www.robotronix.co.il"; String combined = string1 + " " + string2; Serial.println(combined); combined.toCharArray(buf2, sizeof(buf2)); } void loop() { // Empty loop } |
1.2 שימוש ב מחזרוזת 4
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void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Length of a string String str = "http://www.robotronix.co.il"; int length = str.length(); Serial.print("Length of the string: "); Serial.println(length); // Substring extraction String domain = str.substring(7); // Extract the domain name Serial.print("Domain: "); Serial.println(domain); // String concatenation using the concat() method String fullURL = "http://"; fullURL.concat("www.robotronix.co.il"); Serial.print("Full URL: "); Serial.println(fullURL); // String modification with replace() String modifiedURL = fullURL; modifiedURL.replace("robotronix", "example"); Serial.print("Modified URL: "); Serial.println(modifiedURL); // String comparison with equals() String checkURL = "http://www.robotronix.co.il"; if (str.equals(checkURL)) { Serial.println("Strings are equal"); } else { Serial.println("Strings are not equal"); } } void loop() { // Empty loop } |
2. בלוטוס קלאסיק – Bluetooth classic
התקנת טרמינל בלוטוס :Bluetooth classic
2.קוד בלוטוס – פשוט (ללא EVENTS)
כאשר נלחץ על 1 ידליק IO מספר 2 , כאשר נלחץ על 0 יכבה IO מספר 2
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#include <BluetoothSerial.h> BluetoothSerial SerialBT; // Create an instance of the BluetoothSerial library const int LED_PIN = 2; // GPIO pin number for the onboard LED void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); SerialBT.begin("BT_Control v1"); // Set the Bluetooth name as "BT_Control v1" pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set LED_PIN as an output digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Initially turn off the LED } void loop() { if (SerialBT.available()) { char c = SerialBT.read(); // Read incoming data into the buffer if (c == '1') { Serial.println("led 1 on"); // write to pc termial digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 on"); // write to Bluetooth } if (c== '0' ) { Serial.println("led 1 off"); // write to pc termial digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 off"); // write to Bluetooth } } } |
2.1. קוד בלוטוס EVENTS
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#include "BluetoothSerial.h" #define LED_PIN 2 bool isConnected = false; // Variable to track the connection status BluetoothSerial SerialBT; void callback(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t *param){ if(event == ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT){ isConnected = true; Serial.println("Client Connected"); } if (event == ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT) { isConnected = false; Serial.println("Bluetooth device disconnected"); // Add any code here that should be executed when a device disconnects via Bluetooth } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); SerialBT.register_callback(callback); if(!SerialBT.begin("ESP32")){ Serial.println("An error occurred initializing Bluetooth"); }else{ Serial.println("Bluetooth initialized"); } } void loop() { if (SerialBT.available()) { char c = SerialBT.read(); // Read incoming data into the buffer if (c == '1') { Serial.println("led 1 on"); // write to pc termial digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 on"); // write to Bluetooth } if (c== '0' ) { Serial.println("led 1 off"); // write to pc termial digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 off"); // write to Bluetooth } } } |
2.2. קוד בלוטוס EVENTS + string
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#include <BluetoothSerial.h> #define LED_PIN 2 bool isConnected = false; // Variable to track the connection status BluetoothSerial SerialBT; void callback(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t *param) { if (event == ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT) { isConnected = true; Serial.println("Client Connected"); } else if (event == ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT) { isConnected = false; Serial.println("Bluetooth device disconnected"); // Add any code here that should be executed when a device disconnects via Bluetooth } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); SerialBT.register_callback(callback); if (!SerialBT.begin("ESP32")) { Serial.println("An error occurred initializing Bluetooth"); } else { Serial.println("Bluetooth initialized"); } pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set LED_PIN as an output digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Initially turn off the LED } void loop() { if (SerialBT.available()) { String command = SerialBT.readString(); command.trim(); // Remove leading/trailing whitespaces if (command == "led1") { Serial.println("led 1 on"); // write to pc terminal digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 on"); // write to Bluetooth } else if (command == "led0") { Serial.println("led 1 off"); // write to pc terminal digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED SerialBT.println("led 1 off"); // write to Bluetooth } } } |
3. שרת WEB ומבנה "קבצי אינטרנט"
3.1 קובץ PHP פלט בפורמט XML
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<?php // Get the values of user and p from the GET parameters $user = $_GET['user']; $p = $_GET['p']; // Get the current date and time $currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Prepare the XML response $response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; $response .= '<response>'; $response .= '<datetime>' . $currentDateTime . '</datetime>'; $response .= '<user>' . $user . '</user>'; $response .= '<p>' . $p . '</p>'; $response .= '</response>'; // Set the Content-Type header to specify XML response header('Content-Type: application/xml'); // Send the XML response echo $response; ?> |
3.2.קובץ XML פלט
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<response> <datetime>2023-07-10 09:44:13</datetime> <user>1000</user> <p>10</p> </response> |
3.3 קובץ JSON
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<?php // Get the values of user and p from the GET parameters $user = $_GET['user']; $p = $_GET['p']; // Get the current date and time $currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Prepare the response as an array $response = array( 'datetime' => $currentDateTime, 'user' => $user, 'p' => $p ); // Convert the response array to JSON $jsonResponse = json_encode($response); // Set the Content-Type header to specify JSON response header('Content-Type: application/json'); // Send the JSON response echo $jsonResponse; ?> |
1 |
{"datetime":"2023-07-10 10:08:41","user":"1000","p":"10"} |
4. תקשורת WIFI
בשיעור הקודם על ROUTER, FIX IP , DYNAMIC IP dhcp mac
עכשיו ניראה איך מפתחים תוכנה שיודעת לדבר עם שרת WEB לשלוח ולקבל נתונים
בפרומטים שונים
יש לעדכן עבור ה IP :
4.1 WIFI עבור test-xml.php?user=1000&p=10
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#include <WiFi.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> const char* ssid = "ydarewniv"; const char* password = "32ff43fgdffsd1"; const String ip = ""; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Connect to Wi-Fi WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi..."); } Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("Connected to WiFi"); } void loop() { if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { HTTPClient http; // Specify the URL to request String url = "http://" + ip + "/test-xml.php?user=1000&p=10"; // Send GET request int httpCode = http.begin(url); if (httpCode > 0) { int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { // Get the response payload String payload = http.getString(); Serial.println("Response:"); Serial.println(payload); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Resource not found (404)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Unauthorized (401)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_FORBIDDEN) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Forbidden (403)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Internal server error (500)"); } else { Serial.printf("HTTP request failed with error code: %d\n", httpResponseCode); } } else { Serial.println("HTTP request failed"); } // End the request http.end(); } // Wait for some time before making the next request delay(5000); } |
4.2 הדלקה וכיבוי של לד לפי ערך שניה אם זוגית או לא זוגית
נשתמש בספריה ל PARSING של XML –
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<span class="hljs-meta">#<span class="hljs-keyword">include</span> <span class="hljs-string"><ArduinoXml.h></span></span> |
שנה את ה IP ל IP הנכון
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#include <WiFi.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <ArduinoXml.h> const char* ssid = "yaniv"; const char* password = "magic111"; const String ip = ""; const int ledPin = 13; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Connect to Wi-Fi WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi..."); } Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("Connected to WiFi"); } void loop() { if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { HTTPClient http; // Specify the URL to request String url = "http://" + ip + "/test-xml.php?user=1000&p=10"; // Send GET request int httpCode = http.begin(url); if (httpCode > 0) { int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { // Get the response payload String payload = http.getString(); Serial.println("Response:"); Serial.println(payload); // Parse the XML response XMLDocument xml; xml.Parse(payload.c_str()); // Check if the second mod 2 is zero XMLElement* root = xml.FirstChildElement("root"); XMLElement* secondElement = root->NextSiblingElement("element"); int value = secondElement->IntAttribute("value"); if (value % 2 == 0) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn LED on Serial.println("LED turned on"); } else { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn LED off Serial.println("LED turned off"); } } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Resource not found (404)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Unauthorized (401)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_FORBIDDEN) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Forbidden (403)"); } else if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { Serial.println("HTTP request failed: Internal server error (500)"); } else { Serial.printf("HTTP request failed with error code: %d\n", httpResponseCode); } } else { Serial.println("HTTP request failed"); } // End the request http.end(); } // Wait for some time before making the next request delay(5000); } |
5 שלח את ערכי הסרבו והתקנת ספרייה לארדואינו דרך WIFI K test-xml.php?user=1000&p=10
הסרבו והלד מיצגים פתיחה וסגירה של שער
שים לב : חיבור לא נכון ישרוף את המעגל
1.3.1 הוסף סרבו למעגל
1.3.2 הוסף את הספריה לתוכנה בבסביבת ארדואינו
בתוכנת הארדואינו : בחר מנהל הסיפריות
מחרזות המשך – המרת מספרים
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#include <Arduino.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Example character strings char intString[] = "127"; char negIntString[] = "-127"; char floatString[] = "3.14"; // Convert character strings to numbers int intValue = atoi(intString); int negIntValue = atoi(negIntString); float floatValue = atof(floatString); // Print the converted values Serial.print("Integer Value: "); Serial.println(intValue); Serial.print("Negative Integer Value: "); Serial.println(negIntValue); Serial.print("Float Value: "); Serial.println(floatValue); } void loop() { // Nothing here for a simple example } |
מחרוזות המשך sprintf
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void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Example numbers int intValue1 = -127; int intValue2 = 134; float floatValue = 61.42401; // Convert integers to character arrays char intString1[20]; // Make sure this is big enough to hold your integer char intString2[20]; sprintf(intString1, "%d", intValue1); sprintf(intString2, "%d", intValue2); // Convert float to character array char floatString[20]; // Make sure this is big enough to hold your float sprintf(floatString, "%.5f", floatValue); // %.5f ensures 5 decimal places // Print the converted strings Serial.print("Integer Value 1: "); Serial.println(intString1); Serial.print("Integer Value 2: "); Serial.println(intString2); Serial.print("Float Value: "); Serial.println(floatString); } void loop() { // Nothing here for a simple example } |
6. חיישנים
חיישן טמפרטורה מסוג 10K@25℃ NTC thermistor
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/** Basic NTC Thermistor demo Assumes a 10K@25℃ NTC thermistor connected in series with a 10K resistor. Copyright (C) 2021, Uri Shaked */ const float BETA = 3950; // should match the Beta Coefficient of the thermistor void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int analogValue = analogRead(A0); float celsius = 1 / (log(1 / (1023. / analogValue - 1)) / BETA + 1.0 / 298.15) - 273.15; Serial.print("Temperature: A:"); Serial.print(analogValue); Serial.print(" T :"); Serial.print(celsius); Serial.println(" ℃"); delay(1000); } |
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const int DHT_PIN = 15; DHTesp dhtSensor; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); dhtSensor.setup(DHT_PIN, DHTesp::DHT22); } void loop() { TempAndHumidity data = dhtSensor.getTempAndHumidity(); Serial.println("Temp: " + String(data.temperature, 2) + "°C"); Serial.println("Humidity: " + String(data.humidity, 1) + "%"); Serial.println("---"); delay(2000); // Wait for a new reading from the sensor (DHT22 has ~0.5Hz sample rate) } |
מנוע צעד – stepper-motor-example robotronix
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// Stepper motor on Wokwi! #include <Stepper.h> const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution // for your motor // initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11: Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11); void setup() { // set the speed at 60 rpm: myStepper.setSpeed(60); // initialize the serial port: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // step one revolution in one direction: Serial.println("clockwise"); myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution); delay(500); // step one revolution in the other direction: Serial.println("counterclockwise"); myStepper.step(-stepsPerRevolution); delay(500); } |
מוסיקה אורגן
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/** Mini piano for Arduino. You can control the colorful buttons with your keyboard: After starting the simulation, click anywhere in the diagram to focus it. Then press any key between 1 and 8 to play the piano (1 is the lowest note, 8 is the highest). Copyright (C) 2021, Uri Shaked. Released under the MIT License. */ #include "pitches.h" #define SPEAKER_PIN 8 const uint8_t buttonPins[] = { 12, 11, 10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4 }; const int buttonTones[] = { NOTE_C4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_F4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_B4, NOTE_C5 }; const int numTones = sizeof(buttonPins) / sizeof(buttonPins[0]); void setup() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numTones; i++) { pinMode(buttonPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP); } pinMode(SPEAKER_PIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int pitch = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numTones; i++) { if (digitalRead(buttonPins[i]) == LOW) { pitch = buttonTones[i]; } } if (pitch) { tone(SPEAKER_PIN, pitch); } else { noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); } } |
מסך 2.4 אינצ
SPI – מסך 2.4 דרייבר ILI9341
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/* ESP32-C3 + ILI9341 TFT LCD Example robotronix.co.il https://wokwi.com/projects/391611667822716929 */ #include "SPI.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include "Adafruit_ILI9341.h" #define TFT_DC 3 #define TFT_CS 8 Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC); void setup() { tft.begin(); tft.setCursor(46, 120); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED); tft.setTextSize(3); tft.println("ESP32-C3"); } const uint32_t colors[] = { ILI9341_GREEN, ILI9341_CYAN, ILI9341_MAGENTA, ILI9341_YELLOW, }; uint8_t colorIndex = 0; void loop() { tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setCursor(42, 164); tft.setTextColor(colors[colorIndex++ % 4]); tft.println("SPI works :-)"); delay(250); } |
קריאת PORT PIND מסך 2×16 I2C
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/** Arduino Uno PIND register demo https://wokwi.com/arduino/projects/314168546236039745 Copyright (C) 2021, Uri Shaked. */ #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); void setup() { lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.println("PIND value:"); pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); } int value = -1; void loop() { if (PIND != value) { lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print(PIND); lcd.print(" "); value = PIND; } } |
גיירוסקופ ואקסלומטר
העשרה בלבד
esp32 גירוסקופ ואקסלומטר – MPU6050
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נריץ את הדוגמא : MPU6050_DMP6 – קוד דוגמא עבור MPU6050 שימוש ב ESP32
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// I2C device class (I2Cdev) demonstration Arduino sketch for MPU6050 class using DMP (MotionApps v2.0) #include "I2Cdev.h" #include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h" //#include "MPU6050.h" // not necessary if using MotionApps include file // Arduino Wire library is required if I2Cdev I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE implementation // is used in I2Cdev.h #if I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE #include "Wire.h" #endif // class default I2C address is 0x68 // specific I2C addresses may be passed as a parameter here // AD0 low = 0x68 (default for SparkFun breakout and InvenSense evaluation board) // AD0 high = 0x69 MPU6050 mpu; //MPU6050 mpu(0x69); // <-- use for AD0 high /* ========================================================================= NOTE: In addition to connection 3.3v, GND, SDA, and SCL, this sketch depends on the MPU-6050's INT pin being connected to the Arduino's external interrupt #0 pin. On the Arduino Uno and Mega 2560, this is digital I/O pin 2. * ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= NOTE: Arduino v1.0.1 with the Leonardo board generates a compile error when using Serial.write(buf, len). The Teapot output uses this method. The solution requires a modification to the Arduino USBAPI.h file, which is fortunately simple, but annoying. This will be fixed in the next IDE release. For more info, see these links: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,109987.0.html http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=958 * ========================================================================= */ // uncomment "OUTPUT_READABLE_QUATERNION" if you want to see the actual // quaternion components in a [w, x, y, z] format (not best for parsing // on a remote host such as Processing or something though) //#define OUTPUT_READABLE_QUATERNION // uncomment "OUTPUT_READABLE_EULER" if you want to see Euler angles // (in degrees) calculated from the quaternions coming from the FIFO. // Note that Euler angles suffer from gimbal lock (for more info, see // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock) //#define OUTPUT_READABLE_EULER // uncomment "OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL" if you want to see the yaw/ // pitch/roll angles (in degrees) calculated from the quaternions coming // from the FIFO. Note this also requires gravity vector calculations. // Also note that yaw/pitch/roll angles suffer from gimbal lock (for // more info, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock) #define OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL // uncomment "OUTPUT_READABLE_REALACCEL" if you want to see acceleration // components with gravity removed. This acceleration reference frame is // not compensated for orientation, so +X is always +X according to the // sensor, just without the effects of gravity. If you want acceleration // compensated for orientation, us OUTPUT_READABLE_WORLDACCEL instead. //#define OUTPUT_READABLE_REALACCEL // uncomment "OUTPUT_READABLE_WORLDACCEL" if you want to see acceleration // components with gravity removed and adjusted for the world frame of // reference (yaw is relative to initial orientation, since no magnetometer // is present in this case). Could be quite handy in some cases. //#define OUTPUT_READABLE_WORLDACCEL // uncomment "OUTPUT_TEAPOT" if you want output that matches the // format used for the InvenSense teapot demo //#define OUTPUT_TEAPOT #define INTERRUPT_PIN 2 // use pin 2 on Arduino Uno & most boards #define LED_PIN 13 // (Arduino is 13, Teensy is 11, Teensy++ is 6) bool blinkState = false; // MPU control/status vars bool dmpReady = false; // set true if DMP init was successful uint8_t mpuIntStatus; // holds actual interrupt status byte from MPU uint8_t devStatus; // return status after each device operation (0 = success, !0 = error) uint16_t packetSize; // expected DMP packet size (default is 42 bytes) uint16_t fifoCount; // count of all bytes currently in FIFO uint8_t fifoBuffer[64]; // FIFO storage buffer // orientation/motion vars Quaternion q; // [w, x, y, z] quaternion container VectorInt16 aa; // [x, y, z] accel sensor measurements VectorInt16 aaReal; // [x, y, z] gravity-free accel sensor measurements VectorInt16 aaWorld; // [x, y, z] world-frame accel sensor measurements VectorFloat gravity; // [x, y, z] gravity vector float euler[3]; // [psi, theta, phi] Euler angle container float ypr[3]; // [yaw, pitch, roll] yaw/pitch/roll container and gravity vector // packet structure for InvenSense teapot demo uint8_t teapotPacket[14] = { '$', 0x02, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0x00, 0x00, '\r', '\n' }; // ================================================================ // === INTERRUPT DETECTION ROUTINE === // ================================================================ volatile bool mpuInterrupt = false; // indicates whether MPU interrupt pin has gone high void dmpDataReady() { mpuInterrupt = true; } // ================================================================ // === INITIAL SETUP === // ================================================================ void setup() { // join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically) #if I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE Wire.begin(); Wire.setClock(400000); // 400kHz I2C clock. Comment this line if having compilation difficulties #elif I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_BUILTIN_FASTWIRE Fastwire::setup(400, true); #endif // initialize serial communication // (115200 chosen because it is required for Teapot Demo output, but it's // really up to you depending on your project) Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); // wait for Leonardo enumeration, others continue immediately // NOTE: 8MHz or slower host processors, like the Teensy @ 3.3V or Arduino // Pro Mini running at 3.3V, cannot handle this baud rate reliably due to // the baud timing being too misaligned with processor ticks. You must use // 38400 or slower in these cases, or use some kind of external separate // crystal solution for the UART timer. // initialize device Serial.println(F("Initializing I2C devices...")); mpu.initialize(); pinMode(INTERRUPT_PIN, INPUT); // verify connection Serial.println(F("Testing device connections...")); Serial.println(mpu.testConnection() ? F("MPU6050 connection successful") : F("MPU6050 connection failed")); // wait for ready Serial.println(F("\nSend any character to begin DMP programming and demo: ")); while (Serial.available() && Serial.read()); // empty buffer while (!Serial.available()); // wait for data while (Serial.available() && Serial.read()); // empty buffer again // load and configure the DMP Serial.println(F("Initializing DMP...")); devStatus = mpu.dmpInitialize(); // supply your own gyro offsets here, scaled for min sensitivity mpu.setXGyroOffset(220); mpu.setYGyroOffset(76); mpu.setZGyroOffset(-85); mpu.setZAccelOffset(1788); // 1688 factory default for my test chip // make sure it worked (returns 0 if so) if (devStatus == 0) { // Calibration Time: generate offsets and calibrate our MPU6050 mpu.CalibrateAccel(6); mpu.CalibrateGyro(6); mpu.PrintActiveOffsets(); // turn on the DMP, now that it's ready Serial.println(F("Enabling DMP...")); mpu.setDMPEnabled(true); // enable Arduino interrupt detection Serial.print(F("Enabling interrupt detection (Arduino external interrupt ")); Serial.print(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN)); Serial.println(F(")...")); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN), dmpDataReady, RISING); mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus(); // set our DMP Ready flag so the main loop() function knows it's okay to use it Serial.println(F("DMP ready! Waiting for first interrupt...")); dmpReady = true; // get expected DMP packet size for later comparison packetSize = mpu.dmpGetFIFOPacketSize(); } else { // ERROR! // 1 = initial memory load failed // 2 = DMP configuration updates failed // (if it's going to break, usually the code will be 1) Serial.print(F("DMP Initialization failed (code ")); Serial.print(devStatus); Serial.println(F(")")); } // configure LED for output pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); } // ================================================================ // === MAIN PROGRAM LOOP === // ================================================================ void loop() { // if programming failed, don't try to do anything if (!dmpReady) return; // read a packet from FIFO if (mpu.dmpGetCurrentFIFOPacket(fifoBuffer)) { // Get the Latest packet #ifdef OUTPUT_READABLE_QUATERNION // display quaternion values in easy matrix form: w x y z mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); Serial.print("quat\t"); Serial.print(q.w); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(q.x); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(q.y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(q.z); #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_READABLE_EULER // display Euler angles in degrees mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetEuler(euler, &q); Serial.print("euler\t"); Serial.print(euler[0] * 180/M_PI); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(euler[1] * 180/M_PI); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(euler[2] * 180/M_PI); #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL // display Euler angles in degrees mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetGravity(&gravity, &q); mpu.dmpGetYawPitchRoll(ypr, &q, &gravity); //[ yaw, pitch, roll ] yaw/pitch/roll container and gravity vector Serial.print("ypr2\t"); Serial.print(ypr[0] * 180/M_PI); // yaw Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(ypr[1] * 180/M_PI); // pitch Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(ypr[2] * 180/M_PI); // roll #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_READABLE_REALACCEL // display real acceleration, adjusted to remove gravity mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetAccel(&aa, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetGravity(&gravity, &q); mpu.dmpGetLinearAccel(&aaReal, &aa, &gravity); Serial.print("areal\t"); Serial.print(aaReal.x); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(aaReal.y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(aaReal.z); #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_READABLE_WORLDACCEL // display initial world-frame acceleration, adjusted to remove gravity // and rotated based on known orientation from quaternion mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetAccel(&aa, fifoBuffer); mpu.dmpGetGravity(&gravity, &q); mpu.dmpGetLinearAccel(&aaReal, &aa, &gravity); mpu.dmpGetLinearAccelInWorld(&aaWorld, &aaReal, &q); Serial.print("aworld\t"); Serial.print(aaWorld.x); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(aaWorld.y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(aaWorld.z); #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_TEAPOT // display quaternion values in InvenSense Teapot demo format: teapotPacket[2] = fifoBuffer[0]; teapotPacket[3] = fifoBuffer[1]; teapotPacket[4] = fifoBuffer[4]; teapotPacket[5] = fifoBuffer[5]; teapotPacket[6] = fifoBuffer[8]; teapotPacket[7] = fifoBuffer[9]; teapotPacket[8] = fifoBuffer[12]; teapotPacket[9] = fifoBuffer[13]; Serial.write(teapotPacket, 14); teapotPacket[11]++; // packetCount, loops at 0xFF on purpose #endif // blink LED to indicate activity blinkState = !blinkState; digitalWrite(LED_PIN, blinkState); } } |
7. משקל – עבודה עם משקל