פיתוח ESP32 – שימוש ב BLE
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#include <BLEDevice.h> #include <BLEServer.h> #include <BLEUtils.h> #include <BLE2902.h> #define potPin 36 //connect the potentiometer to gpio36 bool oldDeviceConnected = false; int sensorRead = 0; uint8_t value = 0; //the set value function only accepts unsigned 8 bit integers /* Define the UUID for our Custom Service */ #define serviceID BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x1700) /* Define our custom characteristic along with it's properties */ BLECharacteristic customCharacteristic( BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x1A00), BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ | BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY ); /* This function handles the server callbacks */ bool deviceConnected = false; class ServerCallbacks: public BLEServerCallbacks { void onConnect(BLEServer* MyServer) { deviceConnected = true; }; void onDisconnect(BLEServer* MyServer) { deviceConnected = false; } }; BLEServer *MyServer; BLEService *customService; uint8_t buf[10]; void setup() { buf[0]='V'; buf[1]='a'; buf[2]='l'; buf[3]=':'; buf[4]=' '; buf[5]=0; buf[6]=0; Serial.begin(115200); // Create and name the BLE Device BLEDevice::init("MyESP32"); /* Create the BLE Server */ MyServer = BLEDevice::createServer(); MyServer->setCallbacks(new ServerCallbacks()); // Set the function that handles Server Callbacks /* Add a service to our server */ customService = MyServer->createService(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x1700)); // A random ID has been selected /* Add a characteristic to the service */ customService->addCharacteristic(&customCharacteristic); //customCharacteristic was defined above /* Add Descriptors to the Characteristic*/ customCharacteristic.addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); //Add this line only if the characteristic has the Notify property BLEDescriptor VariableDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2901)); /*```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````*/ VariableDescriptor.setValue("Temperature -40-60°C"); /* Use this format to add a hint for the user. This is optional. */ customCharacteristic.addDescriptor(&VariableDescriptor); /*```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````*/ /* Configure Advertising with the Services to be advertised */ MyServer->getAdvertising()->addServiceUUID(serviceID); // Start the service customService->start(); // Start the Server/Advertising MyServer->getAdvertising()->start(); Serial.println("Waiting for a Client to connect..."); sensorRead = analogRead(potPin); //read the value of the potentiometer value = map(sensorRead,0,4095,0,255); //change the value to a range of 0-255 so that it can fit in a single byte value =random(0, 255); Serial.println(value); if (deviceConnected) { /* Set the value */ customCharacteristic.setValue(&value,6); // This is a value of a single byte customCharacteristic.notify(); // Notify the client of a change } else { // Start the Server/Advertising MyServer->getAdvertising()->start(); delay(50); } } int i=48; void loop() { sensorRead = analogRead(potPin); //read the value of the potentiometer value = map(sensorRead,0,4095,0,255); //change the value to a range of 0-255 so that it can fit in a single byte value =random(0, 255); buf[5]=value; if (deviceConnected) { /* Set the value */ customCharacteristic.setValue(&buf[0],6); // This is a value of a single byte customCharacteristic.notify(); // Notify the client of a change Serial.println(value); } // disconnecting if (!deviceConnected && oldDeviceConnected) { delay(500); // give the bluetooth stack the chance to get things ready MyServer->startAdvertising(); // restart advertising Serial.println("start advertising"); oldDeviceConnected = deviceConnected; } if (deviceConnected && !oldDeviceConnected) { // do stuff here on connecting customCharacteristic.setValue(&value,1); // This is a value of a single byte customCharacteristic.notify(); // Notify the client of a change i++; if (i>=57)i=48; Serial.println("on connecting"); delay(25); oldDeviceConnected = deviceConnected; } delay(50); } |
פיתוח ESP32 – שימוש ב Eddystone-TLM
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/* Create a BLE server that will send periodic eddystone frames. The design of creating the BLE server is: 1. Create a BLE Server 2. Create advertising data 3. Start advertising. 4. wait 5. Stop advertising. 6. deep sleep */ #include "sys/time.h" #include "BLEDevice.h" #include "BLEServer.h" #include "BLEUtils.h" #include "esp_sleep.h" #define GPIO_DEEP_SLEEP_DURATION 2 // sleep 2 seconds and then wake up RTC_DATA_ATTR static time_t last; // remember last boot in RTC Memory RTC_DATA_ATTR static uint32_t bootcount; // remember number of boots in RTC Memory #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif uint8_t temprature_sens_read(); //uint8_t g_phyFuns; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // See the following for generating UUIDs: // https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising; struct timeval now; void setBeacon() { char beacon_data[22]; uint16_t beconUUID = 0xFEAA; uint16_t volt = 3300; // 3300mV = 3.3V uint16_t temp = (uint16_t)((float)23.00); uint32_t tmil = now.tv_sec*10; uint8_t temp_farenheit; float temp_celsius; temp_farenheit= temprature_sens_read(); temp_celsius = ( temp_farenheit - 32 ) / 1.8; temp = (uint16_t)(temp_celsius); BLEAdvertisementData oAdvertisementData = BLEAdvertisementData(); oAdvertisementData.setFlags(0x06); // GENERAL_DISC_MODE 0x02 | BR_EDR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x04 oAdvertisementData.setCompleteServices(BLEUUID(beconUUID)); beacon_data[0] = 0x20; // Eddystone Frame Type (Unencrypted Eddystone-TLM) beacon_data[1] = 0x00; // TLM version beacon_data[2] = (volt>>8); // Battery voltage, 1 mV/bit i.e. 0xCE4 = 3300mV = 3.3V beacon_data[3] = (volt&0xFF); // beacon_data[4] = (temp&0xFF); // Beacon temperature beacon_data[5] = (temp>>8); // beacon_data[6] = ((bootcount & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // Advertising PDU count beacon_data[7] = ((bootcount & 0xFF0000) >> 16); // beacon_data[8] = ((bootcount & 0xFF00) >> 8); // beacon_data[9] = (bootcount&0xFF); // beacon_data[10] = ((tmil & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // Time since power-on or reboot beacon_data[11] = ((tmil & 0xFF0000) >> 16); // beacon_data[12] = ((tmil & 0xFF00) >> 8); // beacon_data[13] = (tmil&0xFF); // oAdvertisementData.setServiceData(BLEUUID(beconUUID), std::string(beacon_data, 14)); pAdvertising->setScanResponseData(oAdvertisementData); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); Serial.printf("start ESP32 %d\n",bootcount++); Serial.printf("deep sleep (%lds since last reset, %lds since last boot)\n",now.tv_sec,now.tv_sec-last); last = now.tv_sec; // Create the BLE Device BLEDevice::init("ESP32"); // Create the BLE Server BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer(); pAdvertising = pServer->getAdvertising(); setBeacon(); // Start advertising pAdvertising->start(); Serial.println("Advertizing started..."); delay(100); pAdvertising->stop(); Serial.printf("enter deep sleep\n"); esp_deep_sleep(1000000LL * GPIO_DEEP_SLEEP_DURATION); Serial.printf("in deep sleep\n"); } void loop() { } |