פיתוח בינה מלאכותית : איפה DATASET בחינם ?
CNN Classification Task (Single Label):
- Problem: If the CNN is trained to classify a single object per image (e.g., "plane" or "not plane"), having multiple planes in the same image could confuse the model, as it expects one dominant object.
- Solution: In this case, you need to ensure that each image clearly represents a single class or switch to a more appropriate approach like multi-label classification if multiple planes are expected to be labeled as separate entities.
2. If it's an Object Detection Task:
- No Problem: If you're using the CNN for object detection (e.g., detecting multiple planes and their positions), the model can handle multiple objects. Algorithms like YOLO or Faster R-CNN are built to detect and localize multiple objects in one image.
- Solution: In this case, you label each plane's bounding box and train the model to detect all objects within the image.
3. For Segmentation or Counting:
- Solution: In segmentation tasks, you can label the boundaries of each plane, and the CNN will learn to identify and segment each one. For counting, you could design the model to recognize multiple instances and count the number of planes in each image.
Links: 1. https://www.kaggle.com/
2 https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/
3. https://data.fivethirtyeight.com/
5. https://github.com/search?q=dataset